Dear colleagues,
The University for Foreigners Perugia, the oldest and most prestigious Italian institution involved in teaching and research activities as well as in the diffusion of the Italian language and former official organizer of the Erasmus Intensive Language courses (EILCs), is pleased to inform you will soon be running the first
Intensive Summer Courses in Italian Language and Culture
4-29 August 2014 // 1-19 September 2014
Dear colleagues,
it is our great pleasure to announce the "First International Week" to be held at the Faculty of Health Sciences of PalackĂ˝ University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, from 29 September to 3 October 2014. The main theme will be GLOBAL HEALTH SCIENCE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES. Professionals as well as students of related fields are invited to share their experience and practical and academic skills.
Dear colleague
I would be grateful if you could spread information about our Summer School of Experimental Surgery among potential candidates/students. The deadline for second round applications is 8th June 2014.
For further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you.
Best regards from Pilsen
Blanka Rybnerova
The University for Foreigners Perugia, the oldest and most prestigious Italian institution involved in teaching and research activities as well as in the diffusion of the Italian language and former official organizer of the Erasmus Intensive Language courses (EILCs), is pleased to inform you will soon be running the first Intensive Summer Courses in Italian Language for Erasmus students!
In the attached flyer you can find a short presentation of the Summer Program (dates, costs, enrolment procedure, etc.) and the relevant contacts.
Informujemy, że jak co roku organizujemy konkurs fotograficzny. W tym roku temat konkursu to „Smaki Erasmusa". Chcielibyśmy Państwa zachęcić do podzielenia się z nami swoimi wrażeniami z pobytu za granicą, pokazania miejsc i sytuacji, które zapadły w pamięć i które w jakiś sposób odzwierciedlają wspomnienia, pokazują miejsca, kulturę i obyczaje odwiedzanego kraju.
W związku z wizytą w naszej uczelni Dyrektor Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta Pani Małgorzaty Krasowskiej oraz Pani Urszuli Milik, Koordynatora Programów Fulbrighta informujemy o możliwości zorganizowania spotkania, podczas którego zostaną zaprezentowane zasady aplikowania o stypendia Fulbrighta.
Dear colleagues,
Hope this finds you well.
This is Esmeralda Folleco, from the International Office of the University of Extremadura, Spain, and I am writing with regards the IV International Week were are organizing in our institution.
I would be so happy to have you with us. Please, do not hesitate to contact us for any question you might have on it. All the info and the web and email contact with whichever doubt you might have is in the attachment, but if I can help you, let me know, though.
Dear Colleagues,
We have the pleasure to invite you to the 4th International Erasmus Staff Training Week of the University of Málaga that will take place between 5th and 9th May 2014.
Please find attached the Application Form & Provisional Programme and the Guide for Incoming Staff.
The deadline for application forms submission will be April 6th (by e-mail to subject: STT Week UMA).
Sapienza University of Rome invites eligible researchers of any nationality to express their interest in applying jointly for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships.
Dear Colleague,
As Coordinator of Portuguese Language Training at the University of Aveiro (Portugal), I am pleased to contact you to announce that, on next summer 2014, the University of Aveiro will be offering, through our Language Center (Gabinete de Formação e Línguas), an Intensive Portuguese Course to all incoming Exchange students as well as to any training or working person interested in Portuguese language improving.
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