The Baltic University Programme

Kurs SAIL 2018 dla nauczycieli i studentów uczelni członkowskich Baltic University Programme organizowany jest przez Program Uniwersytetu Bałtyckiego na Uniwersytecie w Uppsali i przeprowadzany na morzu na pokładzie statku Fryderyk Chopin.

The Baltic University Programme (BUP) is a network of universities in the Baltic Sea region, the area in which water flows towards the Baltic Sea, the so-called drainage basin. The aim of the network is to enhance regional cooperation with a focus on education for sustainable development. In addition to the coastal states, Belarus, Ukraine, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Norway participate. BUP started in 1991and today about 200 universities take part and 78 are presently members of the network.
BUP is coordinated by the Secretariat at Uppsala University, Sweden, with the support of three Associated Secretariats in Åbo/Turku, Finland, Lodz, Poland, and Hamburg, Germany, as well as 13 national centres.

BUP’s aim is to support and promote regional cooperation for sustainable development as well as to develop and maintain contacts among the universities and corresponding institutions of higher learning within or partly within the Baltic Sea region. The BUP network supports the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) within the Baltic Sea Region both for “Baltic 21 – An Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region” and for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030 on ESD as well as being a strategic partner to the Council of the Baltic Sea States regarding higher education. BUP is the Lead Partner of a flagship project within EU’s Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region focusing on enhancing cooperation between universities in the Baltic Sea Region on sustainable development and Education for Sustainable Development. BUP provides interdisciplinary student courses, teachers’ education and training, workshops and conferences for students and university teachers, PhD students training, summer courses.
BUP concentrates on issues of sustainable development, environmental protection, democracy, and on developing creative ways to inform students and teachers about these topics.

One of the creative ways to teach and inform has been sailing with students and teachers, activity BUP has been running every year since 1996.
Every year close to 40 members of our network, both students and teachers, representing 14 countries, gather on board a tall ship and get a unique possibility to teach and learn, broaden their views, get rid of prejudice, socialize, strengthen their personalities, test their own limits and prove their abilities - sail together in storms and sunny days and nights, train their body and mind, share friendship for life, work together as a team beyond nationalities, age differences, positions and titles, share duties during watches, educate and experience Sustainability Applied in International Learning - SAIL.
Participating students are selected by the BUP National Centres and among BUP’s member- and participating universities. The students, however, are not receiving any official credits, but are instead offered a diploma for participation stating that the course equals 7,5 ECTS credit.

An interdisciplinary international teachers’ team is selected every year among those who apply and volunteer to create and then run the course on-board. Every year we attempt to find a broad competence to cover the topic of the course. They prepare and plan the course together beforehand, run it on-board, supervise projects’ work, and examine essays/reports after the course. The process of the SAIL course creation is an adventure itself and a very appreciated experience for teachers, a true learning process. The unique combination of great adventure, academic studies, and a high competence and creativity of contributing teachers, gives the course a very good reputation and every year number of students that applied for the course is much larger than the number of places available.


BUP SAIL project contact person:

Maria Hejna, BUP Network Manager, SAIL Project coordinator
Uppsala University
Baltic University Programme Coordinating Secretariat
Villavägen 16, 752 36 Uppsala
Phone work: +46/18/4711786
Mobile: +46/704/250087

Baltic University Programme SAIL for Teachers 2018

The SAIL (Sustainability Applied in International Teaching and Learning) Teachers course 2018 will start on the 4th of July in Gothenburg, Sweden, and end on the 11th of July in Sunderland, England. We will be sailing on the Polish sail training vessel Fryderyk Chopin (,t4/).

About the course
The SAIL for Teachers is an annual Baltic University Programme course organized by the BUP Centre for Finland at Åbo Akademi University and the Baltic University Programme secretariat at Uppsala University, conducted on-board a Tall Ship (Fryderyk Chopin, The aim of the course is to gather teachers within the Baltic University Programme network, but we also invite Teachers from other institutions in case of available places, that are active and interested in sustainable development. The course is based on all participating teachers’ competencies and experiences - we count on your active influence on the content of the course programme and discussions on-board.
There are 30 places available on the course. Teachers from different countries, cultures, universities, and disciplines will meet and exchange knowledge, share experiences, learn and teach, develop their competencies, work together, sail the ship, and experience their life’s adventure. We will sail far from stress, internet, and telephone connection. This environment cannot fail to inspire and empower!
University teachers with a strong background within the field of sustainable development (see topics below) will be prioritized. We also accept PhD students in order to give them an opportunity to develop their pedagogical skills and learn from more experienced colleagues.
From the evaluation from previous Teachers¹ SAIL course: - An excellent idea of sharing experience, different points of view, interpretations by teachers of different backgrounds, from different countries, different age. The sea changed the perspective totally and made this meeting really unforgettable. It was unique, unusual, fantastic time and an opportunity for personal development. It never happens during traditional conferences or meetings on land.

Active teacher participation
Each participating teacher will be required to submit an abstract to one of the sessions listed below, and participate in on-board group work, oral presentations, and discussions. Further, we will invite one teacher per session to give an invited talk. All other presentations in the sessions will be prepared on-board in group work based on the teachers’ expertise and submitted abstract. All teachers should bring necessary materials for on-board presentations including key references to facilitate group work. As soon as we have the final list of participants, we will announce speakers and organization of working groups. During the course, the teachers will be able to exchange up-to-date knowledge on sustainability issues in the Baltic Sea region and work in teams with teachers from other countries in an international setting. It is expected that the teachers will get a better understanding of the problems and possibilities for a sustainable development.


  • The Baltic Sea Region: Cultures, Politics, Economics, Societies
  • Ecosystem Health & Sustainable Agriculture
  • Sustainable production and consumption
  • Climate change
  • Environmental management
  • Environmental science
  • Sustainable energy
  • Learning for a sustainable future
  • Urban development
  • Sustainable economy

Who can apply?
We are looking for active, open minded, and motivated teachers who are interested in trying something new - combining a wonderful adventure with an unconventional teaching and learning experience. The course is primarily aimed for teachers/researchers within the Baltic University Programme network, but applicants from elsewhere are also welcome. Teachers from the BUP´s members' universities will, however, be given priority. English is the spoken language on-board and fluent English is required.

Important: Life on-board a Tall Ship
On-board the sailing vessel all teachers will act as a working crew. You will be divided into one of three watches that will be assigned 4 hours rotating duties (navigation, deck, and kitchen) - around-the clock! Please keep in mind that in spite of the weather conditions, and in spite of your condition, you should participate in your watch duties. You should also be aware that sailing a Tall ship means pulling lines, climbing masts to set and haul sails in the old-day fashion. Teachers are expected to work together in the watches to fulfil their sailing duties, which in our experience is an excellent tool for team building and to create a dynamic learning environment. Moreover, as crew member you must also do other duties on-board, in addition to your sailing and teaching duties. This includes cleaning, cooking meals, washing dishes, and maintenance work. The course will be a physical and social challenge and will hopefully develop a strong feeling of cooperation, trust, and friendship. In addition, it will be a practical and intensive way of learning intercultural communication, the marine environment, and ­ of course ­ sustainable development. Practice of teaching and communicating in English is an added value. A note for persons sensitive to sea-sickness; the heaving motion of a Tall ship usually leads to an initial unpleasant physical experience.

The course is free of charge for teachers coming from the BUP's Members' universities – their costs of accommodation and food will be covered by the BUP Centre for Finland at Åbo Akademi University.
A course fee of 700 Euro per person applies for all other teachers. All teachers must however cover all travel costs themselves. Please see the updated list of BUP's Members' Universities on the BUP web site ( Teachers are encouraged to investigate the possibility at their own universities to get ERASMUS staff European exchange funding to cover their participation and travel costs.

Please fill in and submit the Application Form and the Health Statement (enclosed). Please save all documents with your name. The application should include a CV (max 2 pages) and a personal letter (max 2 pages). Apart from your research and teaching experiences, also describe your other interests, such as subjects you love/like/teach, your dreams concerning your professional development, etc. In addition, please give a short description of how you envisage that you can contribute to the SAIL course on-board. We appreciate your comments/ideas on session sub-topics/activities, teaching/presentation methods, extra activities on board in connection to the course, ­ and any other relevant information.
Please notice that the previous sailing experience is not necessary and will not give you any priority for the course. Participants will be selected based on their competence and strong background within the field of sustainable development (
Applications should be sent to the BUP Secretariat/Maria Hejna ( no later than April 3, 2017.