Call for Contracting Research Staff in the Postdoctoral Phase

Call by the san vicente mártir catholic university of valencia for the contracting of research staff in their postdoctoral phase 2017-2018

Contracting Research Staff in their Postdoctoral Phase
Vice-Chancellor's Office for Research and Education /OTRI
A total of three contracts shall be awarded, for doctoral researchers who wish to carry out a research project at the UCV that is in keeping with the university’s identity.

  • Young doctorate holders who wish to carry out a research project at the San Vicente Mártir Catholic University of Valencia.
  • The contract shall be for a defined project or service, with a maximum term of three years.
  • Any person who has attained the title of doctor after 1st January 2015 from any university in the European Union or located in the Schengen area may apply.


  • The annual grant for each of the contracted postdoctoral researchers shall be 33,620.55 euros plus social security. This includes an additional subsidy to help defray accommodation and travel expenses (see point 1.6 in the call).

Three contracts shall be awarded: one for each of the following scientific areas, whose study project falls within the research lines listed in Annex I:
a-Human and Social Sciences: Philosophy, Law, Teaching and Education Sciences, Economic
and Business Sciences, Sacred Sciences.
B Healthcare Sciences: Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, Physiotherapy and Chiropody,
Nursing, Psychology.
C Medicine and Experimental Sciences: Medicine and Dentistry, Veterinary Science and
Experimental Sciences.

  • From 07 July 2017 to 27 July 2017.


For any questions, please contact the OTRI:
Telephone: +34 96 363 74 12   Ext. 4580