Erasmus Intensive Language Courses in Perugia

Dear colleagues,

The University for Foreigners Perugia, the oldest and most prestigious Italian institution involved in teaching and research activities as well as in the diffusion of the Italian language and former official organizer of the Erasmus Intensive Language courses (EILCs), is pleased to inform you that in the forthcoming academic year 2015/16 will be proposing again its Intensive Summer Courses in Italian Language for Erasmus students!

In the attached flyer you can find a short presentation of the Summer Program (dates,  costs, enrolment procedure, etc.) and the relevant contacts.

For further information please visit the relevant webpages at:

We would be grateful if you could spread the information about the Summer courses among your students nominated to spend their Erasmus mobility in any Italian University/Institution who are in need or can be interested in improving their linguistic competences before their Erasmus starts.

Thanking in advance for your support,

Warm regards from Perugia


Filippo Capruzzi
Coordinatore area Erasmus/Erasmus coordinator
Servizio Relazioni Internazionali, Erasmus e mobilità
International relations, Erasmus and Mobility office
Università per Stranieri di Perugia - Palazzo Gallenga
University for Foreigners Perugia
Piazza Fortebraccio, 4 - 06123 - Perugia

Tel: +39 (0)75 5746266 - 243 - 303
Skype: summercourses.erasmus

» here you can find more information