15th Erasmus Week IPB Portugal

W imieniu Instituto Politécnico de Bragança zapraszamy na 15. edycję Erasmus Week, która odbędzie się od 13 do 17 maja 2019 r. Udział wziąć mogą dydaktycy, nauczyciele akademiccy oraz pracownicy uczelni.

15th Erasmus Week will be held at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança from 13th till 17th of May 2019.

The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança will receive up to:
- 50 teachers
- 20 staff members of International Relations Offices
- 5 staff members of Image and Students Support Office (Marketing)
- 5 staff members of Image Services (Design and Image Production)
- 5 staff members of Entrepreneurship Office
- 5 staff members of Informatics Services
- 5 staff members of Library Management
- 5 staff members of Project Management Office (only French, Spanish or Portuguese speaking participants)
- 5 staff members of Academic Services
- 5 staff members of Purchase Department
- 5 staff members of Chemical and Biotechnological Laboratories

Please check website www.ipb.pt/erasmusweek to see more information and submit your Application online.