Staff Week na Litwie

Uniwersytet Medyczny w Kownie (The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences) zaprasza na przyszłoroczny Erasmus International Teacher and Staff Week 2019. Wydarzenie odbędzie się od 6 do 10 maja 2019.

The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) invites you to the united Erasmus International Teacher and Staff Week 2019 ‘Intercultural Competences: Importance and Impact’ to be held in the Hansa city of Kaunas, the second largest city in Lithuania from 6 May to 10 May!

Staff Week (SW) is designed for both, teachers and staff. For teachers SW offers the opportunity to teach the local and international students in the various biomedical and health sciences, and to develop professional networks and collaboration. The target group is teaching staff in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health, Veterinary Medicine, Food Science, Animal Science and other health-related programmes. For staff SW offers the opportunity to interact with the colleagues from other countries, to share experience and ideas in the field of internationalization and intercultural communication. The target group is international office managers, international academic coordinators or staff members involved in international activities. For both we offer various social and cultural activities for knowing each other and networking with participants and colleagues from LSMU. LSMU invites to experience Lithuanian hospitality, to explore local food, culture and traditions.

Staff Week includes individual teaching activities (for teachers), lectures, workshops (for staff), interactive games and networking, cultural and social events.
Welcome dinner, Festival of Lithuanian Taste and trip to the medieval city of Trakai are the highlights which should not be missed!