Unipg International Staff Week, 15-18 December 2019

Università degli Studi di Perugia is organizing its International Staff Week, from 15th to 18th December, 2019, an event dedicated to staff from international partners with the aim of sharing experiences and knowledge about Erasmus+.

The week programme will include a two-day workshop on “Planning and Managing Erasmus+ Projects” delivered by the Funding Expert Trainer, Dr. Nikolaos Floratos (Funding Expert Academy), as well as social activities such as guided tours (Perugia and Assisi) and the visit to a local chocolate factory.

Staff Week Programme and the Registration form.

The International Staff Week is also published on the IMOTION online platform. You can find all relevant information at the following link: http://staffmobility.eu/staffweek/international-staff-week-planning-and-0

There are no participation fees and the Università degli Studi di Perugia will bear all expenses related to the training course as well as expenses for coffee breaks and buffet lunches that will be held during the training sessions.

All the activities included in the social programme are also free of charge: Welcome Cocktail, Guided tour of Perugia City Centre and of Assisi, Guided tour of the Chocolate Factory (including bus transfer).

As far as travel and accommodation costs is concerned, and other costs for activities not included in the programme, participants are expected to cover their own expenses, e.g. through the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training grant.

Maximum number of participants expected for the week is 40. Participants will be accepted on the basis of geographical diversity and fields of interest. Please be aware that preferably we would accept maximum two representatives for each institution. In this edition, we will give priority to staff interested and involved in planning and management of Erasmus+ projects.

In order to register to our event, please fill in and send the Registration form to area.relint@unipg.it, specifying “UNIPG staff week 2019” in the object of the email. The deadline for submitting your applications is December, 2nd, 2019.

Perugia (Italy). The location of the University main building is very close to the city centre.

Accepted participants can book their accommodation in any hotel of their choice but they can also benefit from the special arrangements we have made with selected hotels located in the city centre of Perugia. More detailed information about special rates and recommendations will be given directly to the accepted participants via email or on request.

For information on how to get to Perugia, please visit:

Should you have any questions send an email to area.relint@unipg.it specifying “UNIPG staff week 2019” in the object of the email.