Edinburgh Radiology Course

The Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund supports a thriving scholarship programme which enables successful applicants to undertake a period of further study or research at The University of Edinburgh Medical School and related institutions. 

Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund Scholarship Programmes 2018/2019
Closing Date for Applications: 17.00hrs Wednesday January 16th 2019

Call for Scholarship Applications
Edinburgh Radiology Course for Intensive Care Medicine (ICM) Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd February 2019

The Course: Please see the attached flyer. ‘The course is aimed at senior trainees and early career consultants in intensive care medicine who are looking for a deeper understanding of the various imaging modalities and is particularly focused towards the ICM training syllabus’.
The Scholarships: Two or possibly 3 scholarships will be available. The Course fee will be paid for successful applicants at the appropriate rate. Accommodation will also be arranged by the Coordinator. The accommodation will be provided on a single room bed and breakfast basis at Pollock Halls of Residence for 3nights (Wednesday 20th – morning of Saturday 22nd February 2018. These scholarships do not cover travel to and from Poland.

More information

For enquiries about applying for these scholarships, please contact:
Dr Maria Dlugolecka-Graham MBE
Polish School of Medicine Coordinator for The University of Edinburgh
College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine The University of Edinburgh,
Room SU205, Chancellors Building
49 Little France Crescent
Edinburgh EH16 4SB UK
e-mail: maria.graham@ed.ac.uk